A Mix of Ancient & Modern Flavor

From the wave-lapped beaches of Tel Aviv to the craggy peaks of Masada and the mirror-like expanse of the salty Dead Sea, Israel packs a lot of impressive scenery into its compact landscape


A Mix of Ancient & Modern Flavor

From the wave-lapped beaches of Tel Aviv to the craggy peaks of Masada and the mirror-like expanse of the salty Dead Sea, Israel packs a lot of impressive scenery into its compact landscape

General Info

You might have many questions about your visit to Israel. Is it safe, what do I wear, cell phones, wi-fi, health, water, language… We have tried to answer most of the more common Israel travel questions here, and provide information about the more common areas of concern or query. This Israel travel information article is arranged alphabetically, if we haven’t answered your question, feel free to get in touch.

Cell Phones in Israel

Most international cell phones will work in Israel, although it is often worth renting a cell phone as this reduces the cost significantly.


The most comfortable times to visit are Spring (March, April and May) when temperatures are on average in the low 20’s and Autumn (September, October and November) when temperatures are in the high 20’s in the center of the country. Temperatures are generally higher in the South of the country and the Galilee area.
The Winter months are still mild in Israel, although there are often storms in the coastal areas in December and January, and sometimes even snow in Jerusalem and the Galilee.
Israel is hot in the Summer with average temperatures in the center of the country over 30C and closer to 40C in the South and Galilee.

Clothes in Israel

Packing for any trip can be challenging – especially for first-time travelers. Packing for Israel is not as difficult as some might think! Given the relatively temperate weather year-round, packing for Israel can be easy no matter the season. If you’re asking yourself: “what clothes should I wear in Israel?”
In general, Israel is a progressive and relaxed country, and casual clothing is suitable for almost any setting. Jeans, t-shirts, shorts, and comfortable shoes are ideal for most situations. If you’re traveling in Israel on business, casual dress is common!


New Israeli Shequel (NIS). 100 Agarot make up 1 Shequel. See here for exchange rates.

Dialing code

+00 972

Emergency Numbers –

Police (mish-ta-ra) 100; Medical emergency (Magen David Adom (MDA/MADA) 101; Fire (me-kha-BEY ESH) 102


220 volts AC, 50 cycles. An adapter is necessary (usually 3 pronged)


No immunizations are required for travel to Israel. Health facilities are widely available across the country, with many hospitals being global leaders! Doctors are also widely available and a high proportion speak English. The biggest health risk in visiting Israel, like any other country with a hot climate, is the sun, so make sure you take precautions to protect yourself.

Internet Access/Wi-Fi in Israel

Israel is very technologically advanced. Wireless networks can be found up and down the country, everywhere from restaurants and cafes, to hotels, and even Ben Gurion Airport. The standard rate for wi-fi in Israel is between 10 and 15 NIS per hour. It is, however, free in many places, including Arcaffe, Aroma, and Yellow cafes, brances of McDonald’s and Ben Gurion Airport. Often staff need to give you a password.
In Jerusalem, some sections, mostly of the city center are covered by the Jerusalem WiFi project, whilst a similar project is underway in Tel Aviv.
If you don’t have a laptop of your own, internet cafes can also be found across the country, whilst most hotels, from city hotels to kibbutz hotels have computers available to guests, often for free. Getting online is not a problem in Israel


Hebrew and Arabic are official; English is widely spoken, as, to lesser degrees are Russian and French


Road maps are widely available, many in English. Google Maps has a great coverage of Israel, whilst Israeli app Waze offers real-time travel information and GPS for free.

Time Zone

GMT +2 Hours

Safety in Israel – Is Israel safe?

YES is the simple answer, as much as we can say anywhere is safe. There are two aspects to safety. Firstly, the risk from Israel is really very small, especially if you stay away from the border with Gaza which you are unlikely to go near anyway. In the cities or across the rest of the country, terrorist attacks have reduced dramatically.
In terms of personal safety, the crime rate, especially violent and extreme crime, is much lower in Israeli cities than the US or even European cities, and it is safe for women to walk in most places alone at night.


Shabbat is the one day of the week when travel in Israel is harder. Public transport is very limited and with exceptions, impossible. This reduces your options to taxi, sherut or car hire (which should be collected on Friday and returned on Sunday). Trains don’t operate at all, however, between sun-down on Friday and sun-down on Saturday


Tap water is safe to drink across Israel, although bottled water is widely available as an alternative. The tap water in Jerusalem and the south contains particulate meaning that it is possible that it might lead to mild stomach problems.


Tipping in Israel is discretionary but expected, similar to most of the Western world. The Going rate is between 10-15% with 10% being the lowest, 12% average and 15% for great service (although if you wish to tip more, nobody will complain!)

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